Sitecore EXM

We will need two Json Rendering components, one for list items and one for container to have the list. For example: MessageListItem, MessageListCard.

NextJS code will looks like as follows for the list item (we have a custom theme)

import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles';
import {
} from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
import { xxxTheme } from '@xxxx/yyy.theme';
import { xxxText } from '@xxx/yyy.components';
import { ComponentProps } from 'lib/component-props';

interface Fields {
  LeadingIconField: ImageField;
  MessagesListItemTextField: RichTextField;
  TrailingIconField: ImageField;

type MessagesListItemParams = ComponentProps & {
  fields: Fields;
  params: { [key: string]: string };

const StyledMessagesListItem = styled('li', { name: 'MessagesListItem' })(
    theme: {
      xxx: { spacing },
  }: {
    theme: xxxTheme;
  }) => ({
    display: 'flex',
    gap: spacing(100),
    marginBottom: spacing(200),
    '&:last-of-type': {
      marginBottom: 0

const MessagesListItem = ({ fields }: MessagesListItemParams): JSX.Element => {
  return (
      <Image field={fields.LeadingIconField} />
      <xxxText size="bodyLg" component="div" disableSpacing>
        <RichText field={fields.MessagesListItemTextField} />

export default withDatasourceCheck()<MessagesListItemParams>(MessagesListItem);

NextJS code for the MessageListCard will looks like

import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles';
import {
} from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
import { xxxTheme } from '@xxxx/yyy.theme';

interface Fields {
  LinkField: LinkField;

export interface MessagesListCardProps {
  rendering: ComponentRendering;
  params: ComponentParams;
  fields: Fields;

const StyledMessagesListCard = styled('ul', { name: 'MessagesListCard' })(
    theme: {
      xxx: { palette, spacing },
  }: {
    theme: xxxTheme;
  }) => ({
    backgroundColor: palette.neutral.background.medium,
    padding: spacing(600),
    width: '100%',

export const MessagesListCard = (props: MessagesListCardProps): JSX.Element => {
  return (
      <Placeholder name='message-list-title' rendering={props.rendering} />
      <Placeholder name='message-list-item' rendering={props.rendering} />

export default MessagesListCard;

For the list item we will need Datasource template

We will also need a parent / container Datasource template to hold the list

We need to create a couple of placeholders:

And allow placeholders inside the component “MessageListCard”

Finally, when we drop the component on a page and set the Datasource it will looks like

Sitecore EXM Previous post Sitecore Headless – Next.js- convert a string into a Sitecore data type.