Recently we tried different Json rendering listing components. One of them was a SummaryComponent.

Set the LayoutService to Datasource Item Children Resolver.

JSS component will look like as follows (we have a custom theme)

import {
  } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles';
import { ComponentProps } from 'lib/component-props';
import { xxxText } from '@xxx/yyy.components';
import { xxTheme } from '@xxxx/yyy.theme';
import { SitecoreHeading } from '@fe-jss-nx/sitecore-ui';
  type SummaryProps = {
    id: string;
    fields: {  
      SummaryTextField: Field<string>;
      SummaryTextIconField: ImageField;
      HeadingTextField: any;
  type SummaryComponentProps = ComponentProps & {
    fields: {
      items: SummaryProps[];

  const StyledMessagesListCard = styled('div', { name: 'MessagesListCard' })(
      theme: {
        xxx: { palette, spacing },
    }: {
      theme: xxxTheme;
    }) => ({
      backgroundColor: palette.neutral.background.medium, 
      padding: spacing(600),
      width: '100%'

  const StyledMessagesListItem = styled('div', { name: 'MessagesListItem' })(
      theme: {
        xxx: { spacing },
    }: {
      theme: xxxTheme;
    }) => ({
      display: 'flex',
      alignItems: 'center',
      gap: spacing(100),
      marginBottom: spacing(100),
  const SummaryComponent = ({ fields }: SummaryComponentProps): JSX.Element => (
      <SitecoreHeading.H2 fields={{HeadingTextField: fields.items[0].fields.HeadingTextField}} params={{}}  />      
      <div className="sc-cards">{fields?.items?.map((card) => card && <Card {...card} />)}</div>
  const Card = ({ fields, id }: SummaryProps): JSX.Element => (
    <div className="sc-card" key={id}>
        <Image field={fields.SummaryTextIconField} />
        <xxxText size='bodySm' component='div'>
          <RichText field={fields.SummaryTextField} tag="p" />
  export default withDatasourceCheck()<SummaryComponentProps>(SummaryComponent);

For the listing item, we also need to create a Data template.

We will need a heading Data template.

We will also need a SummaryComponent Data template as a parent.

Finally, when we drop the component into a page and give the Datasource path it will look like the following.

Happy Coding.

EXM Previous post Sitecore EXM- Couldn’t lock the item
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