Sometimes we might need to get Sitecore user information in detail. The information might not find in the same place. Different scrips might be handy to extract different information.
Get user id, user domain, and if the user is an admin
Get-User -Filter "munir.hassan@*.com"
Name Domain IsAdministrator IsAuthenticated IsEnabled
---- ------ --------------- --------------- ---------
sitecore\Munir sitecore True False True
Get user roles
Get-User -Filter "sk\bk_nomedia" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Roles
Name Domain IsEveryone
---- ------ ----------
sk\tes Exm User sk False
sk\No Media Uploader sk False
Get all properties
Get-User -Filter "sitecore\mu*" | Select-Object -Property *
IsEnabled : True
Roles :
MemberOf :
Delegation : Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserDelegation
Domain : sitecore
IsAdministrator : True
IsAuthenticated : False
LocalName : Munir
Profile : Sitecore.Security.UserProfile
RuntimeSettings : Sitecore.SecurityModel.UserRuntimeSettings
Identity : Sitecore.Security.Principal.SitecoreIdentity
AccountType : User
Description : User
DisplayName : sitecore\Munir
Name : sitecore\Munir
Get user profile details
Get-User -Filter "sitecore\mu*" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Profile
ClientLanguage :
Comment :
ContentLanguage :
Culture : en-US
Email : Munir.Hassan@xyz.com
FullName : Munir Hassan
Icon :
IsAdministrator : True
LegacyPassword :
ManagedDomainNames :
Notifications :
EngagementValue :
CurrentPosition :
Badges :
Name :
Portrait : office/16x16/default_user.png
ProfileItemId : {D54D9A36-11BB-4086-A045-53729AD393FF}
ProfileUser : Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User
RegionalIsoCode :
SerializedData : {[digestcredentialhash, 9f84ad4fdd2bbb7d2f103d0f8e996a49], [digestcredentialhashwithoutdomain, 4114d0930e819d5819b7019539403cbc], [/sitecore\munir/Ribbon/My Strip, {D33A0641-9F1C-4984-8342-0655C3D0F123}],
[SpeakComponentStatus-CrossPagesNavigationStatus-1950632152BB4E39ACA3EAEB8E926F78, [{"id":"{9837BB1B-CA0E-4694-B1DB-AE18D2951EA0}"},{"id":"{B9477621-68D4-4152-A7B0-941BCAB68C6B}"}]]...}
StartUrl :
State :
UserName : sitecore\Munir
IsAnonymous : True
IsDirty : False
LastActivityDate : 5/10/2021 11:51:57 AM
LastUpdatedDate : 1/10/2021 3:54:59 PM
Properties : {Portrait, Name, StartUrl, Icon...}
Providers : {disabled, sql, switcher}
PropertyValues : {ProfileUser, IsAdministrator, Icon, Portrait...}
Context : {UserName, IsAuthenticated}
IsSynchronized : False
Get user creation date, last login, if the user is locked
$property = @(
@{Label="User Name"; Expression={ $_.UserName} },
@{Label="Email"; Expression={ $_.Email} },
@{Label="Comment"; Expression={ $_.Comment} },
@{Label="Locked"; Expression={ $_.IsLockedOut } },
@{Label="Created"; Expression={ $_.CreationDate} },
@{Label="Last Login"; Expression={ $_.LastLoginDate} }
[System.Web.Security.Membership]::GetAllUsers() | Where-Object { $_.UserName -like "sitecore\munir"} |
Select-Object -Property $property
User Name : sitecore\Munir
Email : Munir.Hassan@xyz.com
Comment :
Locked : False
Created : 24/08/2020 5:07:15 AM
Last Login : 5/10/2021 1:44:28 AM
Get user is online, last activity and other information
[System.Web.Security.Membership]::GetAllUsers() | Where-Object { $_.UserName -like "sitecore\mu*"} |
Select-Object -Property *
Comment :
CreationDate : 24/08/2020 5:07:15 AM
Email : Munir.Hassan@xyz.com
InnerUser : sitecore\Munir
IsApproved : True
IsLockedOut : False
LastActivityDate : 1/10/2021 5:53:14 AM
LastLockoutDate : 1/01/1754 12:00:00 AM
LastLoginDate : 1/10/2021 5:53:14 AM
LastPasswordChangedDate : 19/04/2021 5:28:32 AM
PasswordQuestion :
ProviderName : sitecore
ProviderUserKey : 381e39c0-ee0e-45f5-a3ae-d9c9d772363f
UserName : sitecore\Munir
IsOnline : True
There could be hundreds of users and you may need their information in a CSV
Get-User -Filter "sitecore\*" | Export-CSV -Path "$apppath\sitecoreUserInfo.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation
Download-File "$apppath\sitecoreUserInfo.csv"
Output: It will show you a modal to download the CSV
