We will need two Json Rendering components, one for list items and one for container to have the list. For example: MessageListItem, MessageListCard. NextJS code will looks like as follows for the list item (we have a custom theme) NextJS code for the MessageListCard will looks like For the list Continue Reading
Sitecore Headless – Next.js- convert a string into a Sitecore data type.
In Next.js, we can convert a string into a Sitecore data type. Sitecore typically stores data in fields with specific data types such as Single-Line Text, Rich Text, Date, Boolean, etc. Identify Sitecore field type and use the appropriate data type in your Next.js code to represent the Sitecore field.
SITECORE HEADLESS – Component Integrated GraphQL Query
Sometimes we may need to use Component GraphQL Query – we might read data from datasource or context item. For example, we need to create a Publish date component that will get the data from the datasource but if there is no datasource it will read the data from context item. Continue Reading
SITECORE HEADLESS – Listing Component using Datasource Item Children Resolver
Recently we tried different Json rendering listing components. One of them was a SummaryComponent. Set the LayoutService to Datasource Item Children Resolver. JSS component will look like as follows (we have a custom theme) For the listing item, we also need to create a Data template. We will need a Continue Reading
Sitecore EXM- Couldn’t lock the item
Recently we encountered a warning message “Couldn’t lock the item LHSImage RHSCopy 2” when we changed an image of a custom email and click the save button. We have several custom Sitecore EXM email templates and most of them consist of few custom Sitecore components. “LHSImage RHSCopy 2” is one Continue Reading
Facebook Conversion API
Introduction In January 2020, Google made clear its intention to stop supporting third-party cookie tracking tools. Third-party cookies have been the backbone of the display and native advertising industry for over a decade. The Conversions API allows advertisers to send web events from their servers directly to Facebook. Server events are Continue Reading
PowerShell scripts to get Sitecore User information
Sometimes we might need to get Sitecore user information in detail. The information might not find in the same place. Different scrips might be handy to extract different information. Get user id, user domain, and if the user is an adminScript: Output: Get user rolesScript: Output: Get all propertiesScript: Output: Continue Reading
Email dispatch issue – Sitecore EXM
Recently we faced an interesting Sitecore EXM issue. We can create an email with a name of 100 chars long. The default maxLength is 100. Once we create the email, we can find it in the content tree with the same name. During this process, there is no error. However, Continue Reading
Dialogflow Custom Payload for Facebook Messenger
We are developing a chatbot for one of our clients. The chatbot is for Facebook Messenger and in the backend, we are using Google Cloud Dialogflow. Dialogflow is a natural language understanding platform. Our requirement was to provide an engaging user experience. We used a few custom messenger templates to display Continue Reading
On Sitecore item publish, update a single record in the index
Recently we faced an interesting problem. We were updating a Sitecore item field but after publish that was not reflecting in the search results. Our search results are coming from the index. If we rebuild the index then it was getting updated. But we have thousands of items in the Continue Reading